10 Years of Debs Sweet Cakes and what I am grateful for!

 In On the personal side, Uncategorized

Welcome To Debs Sweet Cakes Blog! This summer,  Debs Sweet Cakes celebrates 1o year Anniversary of creating cakes and desserts!

10 years! I am a little taken back from that thought as it sounds longer than it has felt. At times it feels like I’m just starting out all over again! Its been quite a journey for sure..I have learned a lot about myself, learned a lot about working with others creatively and the overall hustle factor to make a living to support my family! Self employment is not for the faint of heart for sure, and you can never really know how things will turn out!

I was looking at my Facebook page from 10 years ago and was literally cringing at the site of some of the things I posted. To you they might not look bad, but for me, it makes me squirm..Oh Lord I have come along way! I was tempted to DELETE , delete them..but then I realized that its a reminder of how I have grown, and I should not despise the season of new beginnings. It keeps you encouraged, that you have been growing and developing and Lord willing, the process will continue, to only get better!

I want to Thank all the people that have been so loyal and supported my journey. The repeat customers are the ones that turn into your friends and the ones you feel like you become part of their family in an indirect way. When you all remind me that its your Childs 7th birthday and you have been coming to me since your baby shower, or Childs first birthday …it so very humbling. I don’t take it for granted and I always am striving to get better and create better for you!

I wanted to start this blog because I will be sharing more of my personal life ..and more recipes, DIYs to come and make Debs Sweet Cakes more interactive, if you so choose to join me.

I have given Debs Sweet Cakes a motto/verse to stand on ( finally after all these years) to continually remind me of what has kept me and what will continue to keep me:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean onto your own understanding” Proverbs 3:5

Trusting God is what started it all ,and its what sustains me very day ..and if I have ever leaned in on my own knowledge, it proved me wrong so many times. Asking God for wisdom and strength has carried me further and will continue to do so. HIS Ways are so much better than mine, I never think big enough..

So here is to 10 years!!! And many more

Thanks guys! I so appreciate you all!!


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